Thursday, April 9, 2009


We were concerned that Avery was going to be scared of the Easter Bunny! Ha! She was the biggest ham. Ken and Val adore the Easter Bunny...they chatted his ears off...almost.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Houston...We have Mantises

Our mantis egg finally hatched! After waiting for about six weeks we have over a hundred baby praying mantises! They are awesome...and SO many. Scott was up Sunday morning with Avery and noticed that Wolfgang was looking up at the mantis pagoda. When he looked at it all of the babies were crawling around, but after a little while they froze. They're active only one or two times a day that we've noticed, but for the most part the sit very still...praying! :) We let some go in the garden and we plan to let some more go today. We'll keep a couple and try to feed them tiny bugs...the mantises are only about the size of my fingernail! Hopefully we can keep them going for a while....they can grow up to 6 inches and live 6 months. Cool!