Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras to everyone! We are all sick and miserable, but we plan to have some gumbo and beer anyway (Ken, Val and Avery opted out for the beer). Hopefully it will help with our sore throats.

There was a Mardi Gras parade that we went to on Saturday. Of course it is NOTHING like the "real" Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but it is the closest Kingwood can come up with. There are people riding on flat-beds and in cars throwing beads and candy. Ken was really into the candy and Val took to the beads (as you can see). It was a little chaotic and loud, but hey that's Mardi Gras for ya!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Baby Fairy Godmother, A Princess and A Pirate

The kids (Ken and Val) love to dress-up!

Ken is still obsessed with pirates-over a year now! He loves Indiana Jones and Spiderman too, but he really gets into the whole swashbuckling thing pretending to be Captain Jack Sparrow!

Valerie is of course very "into" Princesses. Every night we read some Disney Princess books and every night her favorite princess changes. Currently it's Snow White, but yesterday it was Aurora (from Sleeping Beauty for those who are Princess challenged).

Avery isn't really into the whole dressing up from head-to-toe thing yet, but occasionally I can get a tiara or funny hat on her and she looks as adorable as ever.

Playing dress-up is cute, but it is really amazing to watch their little imaginations take off!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Bridge Fest 2009

Yesterday was the 17th annual Bridge Fest! It's a 5K run/walk over the bridge that connects Kingwood and Atascocita. It was a beautiful sunny day-low 70's- for the walk. It was the first time both Ken and Valerie went (Avery stayed home... just because we didn't have a jogging stroller for three!) It was the third time we participated -Ken's first time was when he was 3 months old! We actually walked the whole 5K this time (not like the Jingle Bell Walk where we turned around before the halfway point). Somehow we ended up almost in last place , but we had a relaxing walk...talking, people and scenery watching and of course laughing. After the walk there is a golf ball drop . They took 1000 golf balls that people had "bought" and then dropped them out of a helicopter- the ball closest to the flag wins the grand prize, but there are lots of other prizes. We didn't win anything! We're looking forward to next year's walk so we can take Avery and enjoy the day with our whole family.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm ready for some snow! Mommy couldn't resist the precious hat and mittens (they were on sale too!) even though it was 70 degrees today.