Monday, March 16, 2009

Avery - 9 months of cuteness

Avery turned 9 months old last Thursday. What an adorable baby...even if we say so ourselves. If you look really close you can see her first tooth peeking out...bottom left. She can officially crawl and can pull herself up on just about anything. (The fireplace is the perfect height much to mommy and daddy's chagrin.) She can say "mama" and clap her hands when you sing patty-cake. She stills loves her food but now she wants "grown-up" food like pasta, veggie puffs and french fries:) Mommy caught her chewing on some cat food this morning...YUM! She's getting pretty good at using a sippee cup and she's a hefty 21 pounds already. Her laugh is a riot (big 'ol belly laugh) and she smiles ALL the time. Ken and Valerie are really getting into entertaining her and she's now taking a bath with them which they get a kick out of. We're still working on getting her into her own room and we ordered her new furniture last will be sad when she moves upstairs and obviously Mommy has prolonged the process, but it's time:( We love our baby Averina!

1 comment:

  1. She's so cute... We can't wait to meet her. Jade and I can't wait to see you all again and introduce Graycie to your family. We show her pictures of all of you every day. We love you!
